Specializing in energy production technologies, Arturo collaborated in the research of combustors for supersonic combustion ramjets at the Technical University of Munich as part of his master thesis.
Specializing in energy production technologies, Arturo collaborated in the research of combustors for supersonic combustion ramjets at the Technical University of Munich as part of his master thesis.
Work experience
From 2016 on, he worked as a patent advisor for several Intellectual Property firms in Spain, specializing in the fields of electromechanical and computer implemented inventions, before joining Jacobacci & Partners in 2023.
Professional focus
Arturo has strong experience in the draft and prosecution of European, PCT and Spanish patent applications, as well as in the elaboration of patent related analysis and opinions in a broad range of technical fields; he is also currently supporting the patent section of the LatAm Desk.
Areas of exzpertise
Arturo mainly works on mechanical, aeronautical and computer implemented inventions, and has further expanded his area of expertise into physics and artificial intelligence related inventions, with a keen interest in emerging fields, such as quantum computing.