From this commitment JforYou was born, a company's programme that is divided into two macro-areas: welfare and environment. An internal website and a monthly update newsletter have the objective of communicating the opportunities available to employees in the best possible way, from ongoing opportunities to new ones that are proposed from time to time. Here we briefly review the different projects together.
Commitments: Corporate Welfare
Our commitment in the field of welfare is divided into three macro areas: work life balance, health and wellness and company life.
Work life balance
Being well to work well. Therefore, we promote a culture of health and wellness in the company, starting from food.
Our vending machines are full of healthy products and water is available free of charge (no plastic bottles are provided and everyone has their own water bottle). Those who wish can take advantage of conventions with gyms and request the flu vaccine, administered directly inside the company.
Furthermore, we are well aware of how much a healthy, balanced diet can improve the quality of life and help prevent many illnesses. This is why we have a partnership with the SmartFood Programme of IEO, the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, which provides useful content and healthy, balanced recipes developed by a team of nutritionists.
Company life
Jacobacci & Partners today is an international group, with 350 employees working in 13 offices in Europe: it is therefore becoming increasingly important to create moments of sharing and enjoyment that allow everyone to get together.
For example, corporate Christmas parties: in 2022, on the occasion of the company's 150th anniversary, this event was held at the Reggia di Venaria in Turin.
Our company has always had very strong ties with the world of art and culture, as demonstrated by the rich corporate collection. A small part of this collection was exhibited precisely at the Reggia di Venaria with the works of the photographer Mario Cresci on the occasion of the exhibition '150 Years of Homage to Ingenuity'.
We also like to celebrate the important moments in the lives of each of our employees: this is testified by the kits for new employees, the cards on the occasion of births and retirements, the seniority plaques and the Christmas cake delivery.
In addition, every year we prepare a digital advent calendar with gadgets and prizes.
Commitments: Environment
We are convinced that environmental sustainability is a fundamental value and that each of us can make a difference, especially our daily choices. For this reason, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact through various initiatives.
Plastic Free
We want to reduce the use of disposable plastic in the company, aware of the ecological damage it causes. Therefore, we provide each employee with a personal water bottle and use compostable cups and wooden sticks for the coffee machines. Even the cups for vending machines are environmentally friendly, as they are made of an innovative material based on natural mineral salts and are recyclable with plastic.
We strive to be increasingly paperless, limiting the use of paper to print documents. When printing is necessary, we use recycled paper and environmentally friendly printers.
Sustainable mobility
We support the transition to greener mobility by incentivising employees to choose environmentally friendly means of transport for home-work journeys. We also reduce the overall number of trips by smartworking.
We offer our employees a carpooling platform, in cooperation with Jojob, which allows them to share a car with colleagues, to save fuel and pollute less. The platform also records trips made on foot, by bicycle or scooter and offers benefits such as cashback and challenges organised periodically in the company, e.g. on Earth Day.
In addition, we have signed an agreement with the car sharing service SHARENOW and installed charging stations for electric cars in the car parks of the offices of Turin and Milan , where employees can recharge their cars.
On the occasion of the company's 150th anniversary, we planted a tree for each of the 400 employees of the Jacobacci Group, in cooperation with Treedom.
In addition, we activated the Reforestation project together with MMN and Xerox, with the support and supervision of Climate Network. The initiative led to the planting of a total of 600 trees in Italy: 300 in the area north of Milan, 100 in Turin and another 200 in Tribano, in the province of Padua