150 years of Homage to Ingenuity

Mario Cresci for Jacobacci & Partners
Curated by Elena Re

2022 marks 150 years of Jacobacci & Partners. The fascinating history behind the company is one guided by the protection and enhancement of human ingenuity. To mark this anniversary, the desire emerged to showcase a major set of photographic works, created in 2005 by Mario Cresci for the Jacobacci corporate collection, curated by Elena Re, and brought together under the title Omaggio all’Ingegno (Homage to Ingenuity).

These photographs reflect the reading of a Context (Turin, around Borgo Dora and Quartiere Aurora); the history of a Building (number 8 Corso Emilia - the former headquarters of the Gruppo Finanziario Tessile and current headquarters of Jacobacci & Partners); the tale of a Memory (an entrepreneurial tale that intersects with one of design), and the discovery of an Identity (a workplace that embraces art).

As a whole, this work by Cresci provides a multi-level interpretation of a theme central to Jacobacci & Partners: that of ingenuity, viewed in terms of invention and more broadly in ones of creative intelligence. The project is therefore based on a painstaking curatorial process, drawing on extensive documentary research and a gathering of testimonies from everyday life. Mario Cresci literally immersed himself in this reality, layering thoughts, and creating lìnks between various figures and worlds. From all this, the story enshrined in each of his photographs came forth.

Omaggio all'Ingegno is a cultural project envisaged by the client Enrica Acuto Jacobacci and created through the eye of the artist in dialogue with the curator. The sixty images that make up this work are all featured in the book of the same name. A selection of these images were printed by Cresci, and have been displayed in Corso Emilia 8 in Turin since 2005. Today, these works have been taken out of the company temporarily in order to be put on show at La Venaria Reale. Original objects, documents and writings housed in the Jacobacci & Partners archives complete this exploration through Mario Cresci's photographs, testifying to a long journey projected into the future.

#omaggioallingegno #jacobacci150


La Venaria Reale - Sale delle Arti, 2nd floor
Piazza della Repubblica 4, 10078 Venaria Reale TO, Italy

From 18 November 2022 to 12 February 2023
Mondays: closed (except public holidays)
Tuesday to Friday: 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Free entrance with the Reggia ticket

Visit the website www.lavenaria.it


Press office
Due punti s.a.s.
Ph. 011 1970 6371 carbone@duepuntisas.it  ufficiostampa@duepuntisas.it





A wonderful experience

Dialogue with Mario Cresci