Edgardo Deambrogi

Edgardo Deambrogi

Partner, Ing., Italian and European Patent Attorney entitled to act before the Unified Patent Court, Professional Representative in Community Design matters before the EUIPO. Edgardo graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin in 1996.

  • Languages:native Italian, fluent in English, knowledge of French and German
  • Office:Turin
  • Area of competence:Patents

Work experience
Before joining Jacobacci & Partners in 1997, Edgardo worked as a Research Fellow at the Polytechnic of Turin with a focus on acousto-optical devices.
As a patent attorney Edgardo represents and advises clients ranging from local companies and startups to national research institutions and multinational corporations.


Professional focus
Edgardo has an extensive practice drafting and prosecuting Italian, European and International patent applications, handling a broad spectrum of subject-matter in the physical, electrical, electronic and telecommunication fields, including software and AI patents and patents in the automotive field. He also deals with the filing and prosecution of design applications and copyright registrations.
Edgardo provides tailored strategic and practical advice on all IP-related matters, and is experienced in patent litigation before the Italian IP Courts.
He works at the Turin office and follows both domestic and international clients.


Areas of expertise
Edgardo handles both electronic and mechanical matters.  Although his core competence is in the area of software and computer-related inventions, electronics, information technology and telecommunications, television, semiconductor devices, Edgardo also has significant experience in the fields of automotive and electrical equipment, such as cable duct systems.
Edgardo has also been involved as lead patent attorney in complex international patent litigation for Italian companies and foreign corporations.



  • 2024 - Featured by IAM Patent 1000 as one of the world’s top 1000 patent professionals: "With a deep understanding of prosecution procedures, Edgardo is a well-prepared and helpful practitioner".
  • 2023 - Featured by IAM Patent 1000 as one of the world’s top 1000 patent professionals: “Edgardo is appreciated for his preparation, supportive attitude and immense knowledge of the system”.
  • Included in the MIP-IP Stars ranking as Patent Star 2020/21/22/23/24.

Contact Edgardo Deambrogi

The latest articles of Edgardo Deambrogi





Interpretation of reciprocity of IP rights protection in Italy and San Marino

A recent official interpretation of the Convention of Friendship and Good Neighbourhood 1939 between Italy and San Marino concerning IP protection in the two states has concluded…





Patent Office launches examination of national applications

The Italian Patent and Trademark Office introduced examination proceedings for those national patent applications for which a search report and a preliminary patentability opinion…





Board of Appeals rules on the validations of European patents by successors to patent owners

The Board of Appeals of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (IPTO) has issued a decision on validations of European patents by successors to patent owners.