Fabienne Orsini

Fabienne Orsini

Partner, French and European Patent Attorney. Representative before the EUIPO. Member of AIPPI Master of fundamental physics at Paris VII University. Engineer of ENSM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines) de Nancy. Master II Law Economy Management at University Robert Schuman of Strasbourg.

  • Lingue:native French speaker, English.
  • Sede:Parigi
  • Settori di competenza:Brevetti, Design

Work experience
After graduation, Fabienne worked in Paris as a Patent Engineer at IP firm Cabinet Regimbeau for 9 years where she was qualified in French and European patent attorney. Then she worked for 3 years as a Patent Attorney senior at IP firm Cabinet Santarelli in Paris. In 2003, she founded with her partner, Vincent Chauvin, IP firm Cabinet Coralis. In 2010, Cabinet Coralis became the major shareholder of IP firm Harle & Phelip. Then she became partner and general manager of Harle & Phelip. In 2016, Coralis and Harle & Phelip merged with Jacobacci Group and now she is working as partner and member of the Steering Commitee of IP firm Jacobacci-Coralis-Harle.


Professional focus
Fabienne has an extensive practice drafting and prosecuting French, PCT and European patent applications relating to engineering subject-matter and experience handling oppositions and appeal proceedings before the European Patent Office, including multiparty proceedings and hearings in the English, French languages. She also has been involved in patent litigation and license negotiations in France. She assists her clients in drafting and negotiating IP Agreements. She represents patent owners and opponents before the European patent office. She also has accompanied several clients in patent validity and infringements disputes. She regularly writes legal advice relating to validity and/or right of exploitation of registered designs. She also accompanies several clients in validity and infringements disputes relating to designs.


Areas of expertise
Fabienne mainly works on engineering matters and has a particular expertise in the fields of mechanic and metallurgy. She has also particular expertise in the fields of electric equipment, household appliances, medical devices, automotive systems, domestic and industrial electrical equipment, heating and ventilation equipment, packaging and material handling systems. His expertise encompasses the drafting and the prosecution of patent applications.

Contatta Fabienne Orsini