Emanuele Salviati

Emanuele Salviati

Italian Trademark Attorney, Professional Representative before the EUIPO. LLM, Attorney-at-law, Italian Bar. Emanuele graduated in Law at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Later, he obtained an LLM in Intellectual Property and Information Law at King’s College London.

  • Languages:Italian native speaker, fluent in English and French
  • Office:Turin
  • Area of competence:Trademarks

Work experience
Emanuele completed his legal traineeship at two law firms in Modena, specializing in civil and commercial law. Later, he worked from 2016 to 2020 at the European Parliament in Brussels, first as a parliamentary assistant of an MEP and then as a Policy Advisor, working mainly on European audiovisual, cultural and intellectual property policies, with a particular focus on the relevant files of the “Digital Single Market Strategy”. Emanuele joined Jacobacci in September 2021 in Turin.

Professional focus

Emanuele has gained experience in the field of trademark clearance and pre-filing strategies advice, as well as in the prosecution of trademark applications before the Italian Trademark Office (UIBM) and the European Trademark Office (EUIPO) and, with the support of local attorneys, before foreign national trademark Offices. Emanuele's professional activity also includes drafting pleadings in the context of active and passive administrative proceedings before the UIBM and the EUIPO, taking part in settlement negotiations and drafting coexistence agreements and letters of undertaking.

Areas of expertise

Emanuele manages trademark portfolios of Italian and foreign small and medium companies operating in different fields and he cooperates with Senior Partners in managing trademark portfolios of well-known companies in Italy and abroad.

Contact Emanuele Salviati