From now until the end of August, our J-Curiosity column will be colored by summer....
We will keep you company with some patent or design curiosities to remind those who are still in the office that the holidays will come sooner or later.
Ice cream
It is summer, as the high temperatures are also informing us.
How can we not think of the hour when, under the sun umbrella for the lucky ones, it is time to enjoy an ice cream.
Cones, ice creams and carts have been protected by design registration.
August 12, 2023 is the International Youth Day
August 12, 2023 is the International Youth Day.
Young college students are continually subjected to stress during their college career.
In this regard, technologies have been patented to help them manage stress, such as biofeedback techniques.
Biofeedback is a non-pharmacological treatment that allows patients to learn to control involuntary bodily functions, such as muscle tension, blood pressure, electroencephalographic rhythms or heart rate, so that they learn to control these processes without the need for monitoring.
Over the years, a number of US designs have been registered to protect biofeedback devices.
Surfing is not only considered a sport, but a real way of life. This activity accompanies throughout the year people who see surfers in the sea from the beaches. There is no lack of protection on board shapes, from the classic to the more unusual, and of surfboard racks.
Thanks to Maurizio Franco e Mariavittoria Versaci