To ensure the protection of a trademark in the European Union, and in the 28 member countries, there is no better method than to file an application for registration of an EU trademark.
To do that, however, it is advisable to comply with certain requirements that make the trademark valid in the country where it is being registered, for example Italy. This is why it is good practice to ask for the assistance of an Italian company: its help will be fundamental in the success of the registration.
For example, it will be able to establish whether the mark qualifies as registrable and therefore has no unpleasant meaning in Italian or is new. The most important thing is that the applicant carries out searches in Italy to establish that the mark does not infringe existing, registered or applied trademarks that show effects in Italy.
Read full article >> How to protect intellectual property in Italy: laws, offices and strategies
Article by: Franca Acuto