The marketing of any goods that violate intellectual property rights, including counterfeit goods and pirated goods, is considerably damaging to not only the IP right holders, but to manufacturers and traders that respect the law. It also deceives consumers, sometimes causing them to risk their health and safety. To combat the trade in counterfeit goods, the Customs authorities have the power to suspend the release of goods that cross borders (land, port and airport) or to block goods that are suspected of being illicit and to inform the rights holder.
Jacobacci & Partners are able to offer a customs monitoring service that cover all suspicious goods, providing an opportunity the authenticity of such goods and to protect the client’s original product, as well as to integrate the use of customs measures to block the import or export, and thus marketing, of counterfeit goods.
Since these measures are often distant in terms of both time and geography from the company that requires protection, a service that activates and monitors customs measures can guarantee control and the protection of goods against counterfeiting in the sphere of international trade. Activating customs protection allows Jacobacci & Partners to better assist IP right holders to provide the authorities with a detailed description of the intellectual property rights they intend to protect and relevant information about the characteristics of the products and chains of distribution about which the client is concerned.
The greatest risk for an IP right holder is to not have control (and, therefore, decision-making power) over counterfeiting activities that occur in areas of the world in which the client is not physically present. This is an underlying but potentially explosive risk if not managed correctly.