Companies sometimes engage in extraordinary operations such as the opening of one or more branches, mergers, corporate restructuring, or the purchase and sale of industrial property rights. There are other moments in which a company may need to understand the value of its assets, for example for the determination of profits or losses. In all these cases, it is necessary to carry out due diligence and economic assessments of the assets of the company, including patents and other intellectual property rights.
Patent due diligence includes a set of checks carried out on a patent portfolio in order to ensure that it is valid, properly held and in order, also highlighting any pledges, transfers of title or grants of licenses on the patent.
In conducting an economic assessment of a patent portfolio, Jacobacci & Partners is in a position to implement a multi-level analysis system that includes data related to the market and to the competition, in order to evaluate both the investments involved in the creation and maintenance of a patent portfolio, and to estimate the revenues that derive from it.