This falls within the scope of the firm’s anti-counterfeiting practice, which Jacobacci & Partners has carried out since its founding. This practice area involves the coordinated use of different instruments are particularly effective in the fight against counterfeiting, ranging from notifying the counterfeiter through cease and desist letters, to interim or interlocutory actions before the judiciary authorities, some of which are available on a pre-trial basis. The client can proceed with civil or criminal litigation to request compensation for damages, to seek customs intervention or to block the entry of counterfeit goods to the European Union.
Systematic and continual intervention in response to counterfeiting means optimizing resources and, above all, tackling the issue at its root. Not surprisingly, Jacobacci & Partners has spent years developing a complex surveillance programme for the riskiest markets, including the flow of counterfeit goods from Asia and Latin America, which enter the EU through Italy. For these services, we work with investigators and law enforcement authorities to implement targeted action plans.
For anti-counterfeiting operations in countries such as China, for example, to better allocate resources Jacobacci & Partners offers packages that start at a fixed annual cost. As a baseline, we establish in advance what types of counterfeiting activities will be targeted. We then offer clients our experience in correctly evaluating and applying security technologies, particularly to order to identify and trace original products, which capability is a decisive factor in a successful campaign against counterfeiting.
If a brand owner does not take targeted and systematic action against the use of similar or identical brands by third parties on a global scale, it leaves itself entirely vulnerable to the many hazards of the trade in counterfeit products. Today, the counterfeit market is one of the most significant criminal phenomena the industry faces around the world: every year, companies that own brands lose hundreds of millions of euros and thousands of jobs due to the global threat posed by "fakes”.