A trademark opposition is an administrative procedure by which the owner of a prior trademark or other earlier right may oppose the registration of an identical or similar trademark that seeks registration for identical or similar products or services. A cancellation action is an administrative procedure filed against an already registered trademark by a third party. Jacobacci & Partners directly assists clients with these actions before the Italian, French, Spanish and Swiss Trademark Offices, as well as before the EUIPO.
In Italy, it became possible to file an opposition with the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (“UIBM”) in 2011. The Italian opposition procedure is not complex: if the UIBM determines that the opposition application is admissible, the UIBM will notify the applicant. The parties will be informed of the possibility of a two-month “cooling off” reflection period to negotiate a possible agreement. If the agreement is not reached, however, the opposition continues as an adversarial procedure before the Office.