What we offer

Our team of highly specialized professionals manage a portfolio of around 120,000 brands for clients of all types: we provide assistance in all areas of brand management, ranging from registration of a company logo to fighting against counterfeiting on a global scale. We work with the client to build a strategy that aims to correctly value, protect and defend their intellectual property rights.

Priority searches and registration opinions

An integrated service that searches our databases to locate similar or identical trademarks. We also provide advice on potential obstacles to registration.


Filing, prosecution and registration of Italian, European, international and foreign national trademark applications

In accordance with the scope of protection required, we assist with the entire process of obtaining a trademark, from submitting an application, through prosecution and to registration.


Oppositions and cancellation actions against similar third party trademarks worldwide

Proceedings that to prevent the registration or use of brands that are identical or confusingly similar to a client’s prior mark by third parties anywhere in the world.


Surveillance of the publication of similar third party brands worldwide

A rigorous service that includes continual monitoring, enabling us to intervene promptly to prevent third parties from filing brands that are the same or confusingly similar to those of our client. To achieve this, we conduct surveillance of both the market and the trademark registers of local offices.


Actions against the use of similar brands by third parties worldwide

We provide clients all the tools necessary to protect their brand on the world market and to effectively fight against counterfeiting.


Management of international brand portfolio deadlines

It is a priority to ensure that clients have the opportunity to renew all trademarks that continue to be advantageous for their business. Our sophisticated computer systems enable us to identify and track the precise expiry date of registered trademarks worldwide, even several months ahead of time. This means that there is ample time to consider, together with the client, the best renewal strategy. For clients that wish to utilize the full service available, our JCube software enables direct access to company databases, in which client can consult their files on the online platform and obtain regularly updated information on the status of their trademarks and patents.


Due diligence and economic assessments

We provide a service that verifies that a client’s trademark is up to date from an administrative point of view, and draw attention to any critical issues that could compromise its validity and maintenance. This can be linked to our intangible asset valuation service that identifies the risks associated with evaluating your company.


Licensing, assignments and related transcriptions

Services that enable clients to maximize the profit deriving from its brand. Regarding each of these operations, clients benefit from the advice and skill of our brand team, which will also take care of the related transcriptions, where necessary.


If you want to know more about our services or have a comparison with our brand team, please do not hesitate to contact us: we will be glad to answer your questions.

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